Students, complete this required work by the date and time listed in your email. This includes classwork to complete prior to your UAEC 200 Live overview sessions. Plan on about 2-3 hours to complete all steps.

Step 1: Activate DUO, which is a two-factor authentication designed to provide a second layer of security to your myBama account.

Step-by-step instructions for activation and authentication, as well as general information regarding DUO can be found on the Office of Information Technology at

Step 2: Access your UAEC 200 course

*Watch this short video on how to access your course.

Accessing Blackboard directly:

  1. Login to using your myBama username and password. Need help?
  2. Click on “Login” (this will take you to the blackboard webpage)
  3. Click “Courses” in the menu on the left
  4. Click on the UAEC 200 course

Accessing Blackboard through myBama:

  1. Login to your myBama using your username and password. Need help?
  2. Select “Blackboard Learn” at the top of the myBama page
  3. Click “Courses” in the menu on the left
  4. Click on the UAEC 200 course

NOTE: Your UAEC 200 course title includes the year at the beginning and your section number at the end.  For example, 202210-UAEC 200-600.

Step 3: Begin your UAEC 200 course

  1. Click on “Introduction Module” in the UAEC 200 Course Menu.
  2. Read and complete the Introduction Module. (This module will take about 1 hour to complete.)
  3. Complete Module 1: Pre-Class Work. This module includes watching a series of videos, submitting an assignment, and completing a short test. (This module will take about 3 hours to complete.)
  4. Complete the UA Early College Student Acknowledgement Form.  This form is very important because it confirms that you understand the UAEC policies and procedures.

NOTE: You must complete all of the Introduction Module and Module 1 Activities AND complete the UA Early College Student Acknowledgement Form to be prepared for your UAEC 200 Live overview sessions.

Step 4: Set up an Authorized Financial User

  1. Login to your myBama using your username and password. Need help?
  2. Choose the “Student” option (on the left side menu)
  3. In the “Student Account Services” block, select “Pay your Student Bill”
  4. Under the heading “My Profile Setup”, select “Authorized Users”
  5. Choose the tab “Add Authorized Users”
  6. Add the email address of the parent/guardian you would like to designate as your Authorized User. Below answer the three questions and select “Continue”
  7. A link with login/payment instructions will be sent to the email address you provided for your Authorized User

New Requirements for Electronic Check Payments and Refunds

New banking regulations require that we verify each electronic bank account (checking/savings) prior to accepting payments or issuing a refund.  To set up a new account, log into the student account, choose Personal Profile on the right side menu, and choose Payment Profile.  You can set your account up following the on screen instructions.  There is a minimum 3 business day waiting period required for each new account that must be verified.  An account only has to be verified once.